Saturday, March 28, 2009

Are you hiding something, RTA?

The RTA Board was to vote on the fare hikes and service cuts at their board meeting on Thursday the 26th, two days ago. I was in Sacramento, so I was unable to attend, but remembering that this issue was up for consideration, I decided to log on to the RTA's handy "Board Actions" summaries, posted on their web site, to see how it all went down.

However, "Board Actions" only covers up through December, 2008. Which, by the way, is conveniently before all of these transit controversies started popping up.

I'm certain that a trip to RTA's headquarters will produce the public records of the board meeting, but that post will have to wait until Monday. Until then... RTA, why are you hiding?

If you don't believe me, check for yourself at


  1. Sorry about that, I did not remember that meeting and will not be able to make the next several meetings.

    I am creating a petition to get signatures to Save Riverside Greyhound, and perhaps some half page letters that people could sign and mail to Riverside City Council, City Clerk, City Manager, and Mayor.

    Someone said I could contact groups at UCR that might help with these petitions, and help save Greyhound, including ethnic groups as it may be that Greyhound riders might for example have a large number of hispanic/latino etc riders, such that the ousting of Greyhound may be viewed as a discriminatory action, should the stats show that a high percentage of riders are of one or more minorities and/or groups of a particular socio/economic status etc.

    Greyhound is scheduled to leave Riverside June 30 so time is running out fast. If they leave and Riverside changes its mind, Greyhound may not come back.

  2. I've been looking too...still no luck as of 4/7. I even tried changing the URL to match the format of the 2008 Board Actions, but no luck. Guess I'll have to stop by 3rd Street on my next weekday off. -- MarkTime

  3. I found the information at


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