Monday, August 23, 2010

Help Me Block Car Ads

It has come to my attention that ads for things like the local Jeep dealer, and Progressive car insurance, are popping up on my blog. Google is picky about what sorts of categories of ads you can block- "Video Games" is one, for example, but "Automobile & Suburban Sprawl" is not. Therefore, I have to block these ads on a per-company basis. If you see an ad that is antithetical to the mission of this blog, please let me know what web site it links to.


  1. You need to block all ads and really stick it to them man. get off the grid!

  2. You could chuck the ads by American Military University, but you might want to keep them for irony's sake. Maybe I'll go back and get my AA in Weapons of Mass Destruction Preparedness (not making that up) :)

  3. I see ads for State Farm Car Insurance and Boulevard Buick GMC.

  4. @Anon- I would, but I'm already invested in the system. I'm halfway to an actual paycheck from Adsense!


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