Saturday, November 8, 2008

Transit blogging in Riverside, CA- Am I crazy?

Happy Saturday, everyone, and welcome to my first attempt at transit blogging in Riverside. For those who don't know, Riverside, CA is the largest city in California's "Inland Empire", the county seat of Riverside County, and for most intents and purposes a suburb of Los Angeles. There are around a quarter of a million people that live in the city, and a couple hundred thousand in surrounding communities, including the city of Moreno Valley right next door. We're also in the capital of Car Country, that morass of urban sprawl that is Southern California. Unlike in Los Angeles, where a few intrepid souls try to live the car-free lifestyle, most people consider it impossible out here in the IE.

Except that I've done it. So have many others here, though probably not by choice. And so, my aim is twofold- First, I'd like to show people that living car-free is possible here, if they have a little dedication. Second, I intend to advocate for better transportation options for our city and region, and find others who feel the same way. So welcome, one and all, to Riding in Riverside, my alliterative attempt at alleviating automobile autocracy!

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