Friday, March 20, 2009

Always on my mind

RTA, I owe you guys an apology. It's a bit of a backhanded one, because you could have done something to let us know you were still working on it... but it's an apology nonetheless.

Readers will notice my laser-like fixation on the Magnolia Avenue RapidLink project. After a bit more googling around, I actually found a grant request from RTA for BRT buses. Date? January 9, 2008. Long after BRT "disappeared" from the public view.

The reason the buses never showed up here in the IE is apparent from the first page of the proposal. RTA was requesting "unused State Transit Assistance funds"... and bus politicos will note that the STA program was cut in half in '08, and entirely eliminated from the budget in '09. Bye bye, BRT.

You can read the proposal here.

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