Please note that all clip-art images used herein were public domain finds on the Internet. Images here are licensed under my usual license, with the exception of any copyright claims the City of Riverside may make on the raincross used in the main logo. I believe usage of this logo falls under a fair use exception in U.S. copyright law, but I am open to being corrected.

Here's a general logo that could be used for all of the City's bicycle facilities. It's simple, uniquely Riverside, and easily recognizable as a bicycle logo. Aside from wayfinding signs, it could be used on any documents that are part of the City's bike plans. Not only could this mark directional and mileage signs, but also trail entrances and bicycle parking facilities. A similar design, without the lettering, would make for an excellent ring-and-post bicycle rack.

Whenever a street with bicycle facilities (and that should be every major one) crosses a bikeway, it should have a sign noting that fact. Also, major cross-town arterials with bike lanes should be noted, eg. <- Magnolia Ave.->
Streets crossing the SART should have signs directing riders to trail entrances.

Major destinations should be marked on signs, with mileage. Major transit hubs (downtown, Tyler Mall, and both Metrolink stations) should be marked as well.

East-west bike routes should provide mileage to the major backbone cycle facilities in the city.
What do you all think?
Update: I should mention that all of these signs are intended for the intersection of Victoria and Central Avenues.
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